Abstract utility class for impelementing an enumerated type in Java

 * Abstract utility class for impelementing an enumerated type in Java.
 * Usage:
 * <code> GenderType gender = GenderType.MALE; <code>
 * Subclasses should create a set of unique public final static instances, and
 * then add them to the static lists in the static constructor with <pre>addInstance</pre>.
 * See {@link OutputType} for an example.
 * @author Kito D. Mann
 * @version 1.0
public abstract class EnumeratedType implements Serializable
  public static class EnumManager
    private HashMap instancesByDesc = new HashMap();
    private HashMap instancesByValue = new HashMap();
    public EnumManager()
    public void addInstance(EnumeratedType enum)
      instancesByDesc.put(enum.getDescription().toLowerCase(), enum);
      instancesByValue.put(new Integer(enum.getValue()), enum);
    public EnumeratedType getInstance(int value) throws IllegalArgumentException
       EnumeratedType instance = (EnumeratedType)instancesByValue.get(new Integer(value));
       if (instance == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined value " + value + " for this type.");
       return instance;
    public EnumeratedType getInstance(String description)
                                      throws IllegalArgumentException
       EnumeratedType instance = (EnumeratedType)instancesByDesc.get(description.toLowerCase());
       if (instance == null)
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Undefined description (" + description  + ") for this type.");
       return instance;
    public Map getInstancesByValue()
      return Collections.unmodifiableMap(instancesByValue);
    public Map getInstancesByDescription()
      return Collections.unmodifiableMap(instancesByDesc);
    public Collection getInstances()
      return Collections.unmodifiableCollection(instancesByDesc.values());
  private int value;
  private String description;
  protected EnumeratedType(int value, String description)
    this.value = value;
    this.description = description;
  public static EnumManager getEnumManager()
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("The method getEnumManager() needs to be overridden");
  public int getValue()
    return value;
  public String getDescription()
    return description;
  /** Returns a string representation of the current value of this enumerated type. */
  public String toString()
    return description;
  /** Compares the value of two EnumeratedType objects. */
  public boolean equals(Object other)
    if (this == other)
      return true;
    else if (other.getClass().equals(this.getClass()))
      return (((EnumeratedType)other).getValue() == value);
      return false;
  /** Compares the value of this EnumeratedType object with an integer value. */
  public boolean equals(int value)
    return this.value == value;
   * Returns 0 if the two values are equal, 1 if the value of this object is greater than the value of comparisonType,
   * and -1 if it is less than the value of this type.
  public int compare(EnumeratedType comparisonType)
    if (getValue() > comparisonType.getValue())
      return 1;
    else if (getValue() == comparisonType.getValue())
      return 0;
      return -1;
  public int hashCode()
    return getValue();

An example of class extends an EnumeratedType class

public class ProjectType extends EnumeratedType
  public final static ProjectType UNKNOWN = new ProjectType( -1, "Unknown");
  public final static ProjectType EXTERNAL_WEB = new ProjectType(0,"External Web Application");
  public final static ProjectType INTERNAL_WEB = new ProjectType(5,"Internal Web Application");
  public final static ProjectType EXTERNAL_DB = new ProjectType(10,"External Database");
  public final static ProjectType INTERANL_DB = new ProjectType(15,"Internal Database");
  public final static ProjectType EXTERNAL_DESKTOP = new ProjectType(20,"External Desktop Application");
  public final static ProjectType INTERNAL_DESKTOP = new ProjectType(25,"Internal Desktop Application");
  private static EnumManager enumManager;
    enumManager = new EnumManager();
  public static EnumManager getEnumManager()
    return enumManager;
  private ProjectType(int value, String description)
    super(value, description);

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