By using left or right whitespaces you can choose the alignment... opposite end of your text: Add two spaces on the left to align right, two spaces on the right to align left and two spaces at least at both ends for centered... ment ^^^
| right| center |left |
|left | right| cen
browing을 생각하여 javascript와 css를 이용하여 구현해 보겠다.
간단하게 left navigation과 content두 column으로 구성된 page를 생각해보자.
cs... e css>
#leftnavigation {
position : absolute;
left : 0;
width : 170px;
margin-left : 10px;
color : #000000;
top : 0px;
#content {
top : 0px;
left : 180px;
color : #000000;